#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for December 31st – January 6th.
  • Since I have to walk at least 2.75 miles every day to get 1,000 miles, my weekly goal is 19.25 miles.
  • I did a home-walking workout on Saturday, but I didn’t on Sunday since it was my Birthday and I was out and about enjoying it with the Boyfriend.
  • My total miles is, of course, slightly lower than my miles for this week, since my mileage for New Year’s Eve doesn’t count towards this years challenge.  I have a little bit of catching up to do, but the first week of the year is always a bit rough for me when it comes to fitness/exercise.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Active Days: 2/5
  • Steps: 28,442
  • Miles: 11.64/19.25
  • Total Miles: 9.59/1,000
  • Active Minutes: 69/150