#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for April 16th – 22nd.
  • My Doctor got me set up with a weight management program before discovering my heart condition, but I went ahead with the first appointment and discussed my concerns with my “coach.”  I can go for walks and I can certainly work on my eating habits, so I don’t see this as a waste of time.
  • One of the things I’m working on is getting more vegetables.  I’m only tracking how many times I eat a veggie right now (along with how many times and for how long I go for a walk), but just the tracking is making me decide to choose veggies over other foods.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Active Days: 2/5
  • Steps: 32,441
  • Miles: 13.25
  • Total Miles: 195.25/1,000
  • Active Minutes: 137/150