Dewey's 24-Hour #ReverseReadathon

Dewey’s 24-Hour Reverse Readathon officially started a little more than 30 minutes ago at 8 PM EST. Since I’m in California, it was at 5 PM, and I was still on the bus headed home from work.  I kicked things off with The Shift by Hugh Howey, and now I’m listening to Redshirts by John Scalzi.
Here are my answers to the opening survey:

  • What fine part of the world are you reading from today? I’m in Emeryville, CA.
  • Which book in your stack are you looking forward to the most? I didn’t make a stack for this readathon.  Instead, I’m winging it, but I’m enjoying The Shift by Hugh Howey the most right now.
  • Which snack are you looking forward to the most? I’m going to make popsicles out of guava juice, since I haven’t yet enjoyed those this Summer.
  • Do you have a #ReverseReadathon plan of attack? Nope.  I know I won’t make it the entire 24 hours, but I’m going to try to stay awake for as long as I can tonight.  It’s not often that I get the opportunity to stay up well beyond the witching hour reading like I used to when I was kid during Summer vacation.  I might even make a fort in my living room.
  • Are you doing the readathon solo or with others?  I’m never alone as long as my furbaby, Dresden is around to use me as furniture.  The Boyfriend might join me tomorrow, but he’s out doing that crazy socializing thing right now.

My first update will be at 1 AM PST.  I’ll be tracking how many pages I read and any books I finish.  I’ll also include snacks I’ve nommed, and any musical earworms that have gotten into my head.
Whether you’re participating in the readathon or not, what book(s) are you currently reading? 

5 thoughts on “Dewey's 24-Hour #ReverseReadathon

  1. Hello Emeryville from your neighbor in Toluca Lake, which is Burbank adjacent. LOL Unfortunately, I’m not at home, I’m in Arkansas. But when you’re in the house reading, it really doesn’t matter where you are, right?
    Ohmygosh guava popsicles sound delicious!!!!!
    As for the Shift book you’re reading, I think it’s over my head because I can’t even wrap my mind around the plot summary on Goodreads. LOL I hope it’s a good book!
    What kind of a furbaby is Dresden? That’s a cute name.
    Happy reading!

    1. Dresden is a cat. Shift is the 2nd book in the Silo trilogy, and it would be confusing if you hadn’t read Wool first. It definitely doesn’t matter where you are when you’re reading in the house 😊

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