Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon – Welcome to October Country!

Dewey's Readathon_Pocketwatch_Bellezza

Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon has officially started!  I stumbled out of the bedroom a few minutes ago, but I’m ready to read all.the.books.  I’m getting my giant mug of tea ready now and will be sticking my nose in a book as this goes live. I’ll be posting my updates every 8 hours, assuming my pile of books keep me awake.

  • What fine part of the world are you reading from today? I’m in Emeryville, CA.
  • Which book in your stack are you looking forward to the most? The Witches by Roald Dahl.
  • Which snack are you looking forward to the most? Guava popsicles because it’s been in the high 80’s in the Bay Area since Wednesday.
  • Tell us a little something about yourself!  I’ve been catching up on “Supernatural” since September on Netflix, and I’m only about halfway through season 9. Sometimes I feel like I’ll never get to the point of having to wait for the most recent season!
  • If you participated in the last readathon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? I’ll be reading nothing but #RIP books. Also, for the first time, I will have a readathon buddy for a bit this afternoon (other than my fur-child, Dresden).

I usually put my TBR here, but the link to my pile is up above and currently stands at 50 books tall.

My first update will be at 1 pm PST.  I’ll be tracking how many pages I read and any books I finish.  I’ll also include snacks I’ve nommed, and any musical earworms that have gotten into my head.

Whether you’re participating in the readathon or not, what book(s) are you currently reading?