Building the Book Fort

“Building the Book Fort” is a weekly post where I track my bookish life.

Currently Reading:

  • Nothing Much Happens by Kathryn Nicolai
  • The Witch’s Heart by Genevieve Gornichec
  • Sew You Want to be a Hero by Andrew Seiple


  • Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Allies by Lydia Sherrer

Total pages read this week: 451

TBR Mountain: -5

Total books read: 15 of 80

While I still haven’t finished any of my physical books, I did let go of one book last week. However, I also bought a book because it was just too beautiful to not buy it, so I still need to finish or let go of a physical book this month to stay on track for my TBR goal. I also need to finish 5 books to keep up with my reading goal.

What are you reading? Let me know in the comments!