Bout of Books 11 Day 5


Today, I finished The Stranger’s Woes by Max Frei, which I didn’t think I was going to be able to do.  Before I finished, I ended up getting a late night breakfast-for-dinner at my favorite 24-hour diner.  As with the pastries, the book made me do it.  After I finished the book, I realized I just really don’t want to return to The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay right now.  As I’ve said before, it’s not that it’s a bad book.  I’m just not in the mood for it’s depth right now.  I’m technically on vacation, the only most of a week of vacation I’ve had all Summer, and I go back to school starting on Monday.  I’m excited about getting back into a more intellectual routine, but I also want to be very lazy and read “easy” but still wonderfully engaging books until then.  The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, while definitely engaging, is most certainly not easy.  So, I decided to start reading The Wastelands (The Dark Tower III) by Stephen King.  I’ve already read most of the series when I was much younger, and re-read the first 2 within the past year.

Total books finished: 2

Pages read today: 222

Total  pages: 820

0 thoughts on “Bout of Books 11 Day 5

  1. You’re making good progress during the read-a-thon! Like you, I choose which book to read based on my mood. I’m perfectly willing to set a book aside until I’m ready to read it again. Enjoy the weekend.

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