Sara @ Majoring in Literature nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thank you, Sara!
The rules for the award:
- Link and thank the blogger who nominated you.
- Answer the 11 questions your nominator gives you.
- Tag 11 other bloggers who have 200 followers or less.
- Ask the 11 bloggers you nominated 11 questions and let them know you nominated them.
11 Questions From Sara:
- What is the first book you remember reading? Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss
- Where do you like to read? Do you have a quiet little hideout where you can read undisturbed? I usually read on the couch or in bed. I don’t have a hideout right now, but I’m hoping the next apartment the boyfriend and I move to will have a bit more space for me to create a mini Hobbit Hole.
- Starting at the very top of your bookcase, what are the first five books you have on your shelves? A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon, Prince Lestat by Anne Rice, The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherynne M. Valente, Arabian Nights by Richard R. Burton, and Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales.
- If you could meet one author, living or dead, for coffee, whom would you meet? I have no idea, and here’s why: authors are real people, and just because you love their writing doesn’t mean you’ll love them. My “idols” need to stay that way. I don’t want to inadvertently find out they’re arrogant jerks or completely different than how the media portrays them, or that they’re just not likeable. If that happened, I probably wouldn’t ever be able to read their books again, and that would be horrible. All of that being said, I still would love to interview authors who wrote books I love, but that aren’t big names yet.
- How do you feel about seeing a movie adaptation before you’ve read the book? I’ve had this happen many times because I was unaware that the movie was an adaptation. If I really enjoyed the movie, I’ll get the book since it’s usually even better.
- What is your favourite adaptation of a book? On the one hand, I want to say the Harry Potter movies, or The Princess Bride, but on the other hand, Hugo was amazing considering the book sucked.
- Which character from fiction would you most like to be? I want to be a Hobbit. I wouldn’t necessarily say one of the Hobbits from either The Hobbit or LOTR, but a Hobbit nonetheless.
- Which book do you recommend to others the most? Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
- Which book have you re-read the most? Surprisingly, the one book I have read the most times is not The Hobbit, but The Princess Bride by William Goldman.
- How do you feel about eBooks? I love ebooks and my e-reader. They allow me to be able to get review books without giving out my address, they take away the packing dilemma when I travel, I can read them on my phone when I’m out and about, and with all the online sources for free ebooks (including the public library), I haven’t felt deprived of books when I don’t have the money to spend on them, and I don’t even need to leave home to get them.
- Where do you get most of your books from? Library, bookstore, online? Since I started college, and even more so since I started blogging, I’ve been getting most of my books online (see above).
11 Bloggers I’m Nominating:
- Fiona @ The Book Coop
- Susan @ You Can Never Have Too Many Books
- Elsi @ Reading in Texas
- Shaina @ Shaina Reads
- Jessie @ Jessie Reads Everything
- Jackie @ Books & Tea
- Ren @ Fearless Facade
- Tanya @ Read.Run.Study
- Teresa @ Just Little Musings
- Dee @ The Perks of Being a Book Lover
- Books Under the Bed
11 Questions for my Nominees:
- What got you into blogging?
- What are your Top 5 Stuck on a Desert Island books?
- How many bookmarks do you own, and do you have a favorite?
- Tea or coffee? Or, is there another beverage you prefer to drink when you’re reading?
- What are your essential items, besides books of course, for a great reading experience?
- Do you listen to music when you read, or do you prefer silence? If you listen to music, do you make book-themed/inspired playlists?
- Do you prefer hardcovers, Trade/Mass Market paperbacks, or ebooks?
- What is your favorite TV or movie adaptation?
- What fictional world do you want to live in, or would avoid at all costs?
- If you could have any supernatural or magical power/gift, skill, or object, what would it be?
- Where or from who do you get most of your book recommendations?
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