Tuesday’s Tunes is the replacement for Tuesday’s Tunes and Things. The other half will be Thursday’s Things.
Yes, I know podcasts aren’t really “tunes”, but a Google+ community I belong to, as well as the Sword and Laser book club, have been discussing the podcasts the members listen to. One had an emphasis on bookish podcasts, and the other on Science Fiction and Fantasy, along with some general Science ones. Oh, the podcasts I discovered! I’ve listened to more podcasts than I have music since then, so I decided to share my favorites with all of you.
- Welcome to Night Vale – Lovecraftian fiction told as an evening talk radio show for the fictional town of Night Vale. You can start at the very beginning on their Youtube channel.
- Bookrageous – general bookish discussion.
- Overdue – a discussion of a different book each episode.
- Nerdette – Not really bookish, but they do discuss interesting topics every episode that often involve books and comic books.
- Sword and Laser – Companion podcast to the Sword and Laser book club on Goodreads.
- Dear Book Nerd – They answer a couple questions each episode about anything bookish you can think of.
- The Writer and the Critic – 2 different books are discussed each episode, which are apparently every 2 months, giving you time to read the books if you want.
- Literary Disco – “Writers talk about reading.”
- In Our Time – Not completely bookish, but the archives will let your History, Philosophy, Culture, and/or Science Nerd run free.
- The Readers – General bookish discussion.
- The Incomparable – Not entirely bookish, but they discuss all things in geeky media.
- The Functional Nerds – Also not entirely bookish, but they discuss all things Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
- Pseudopod – Horror stories.
- Podcastle – Fantasy stories.
- Escape Pod – Science Fiction stories.
- Drabblecast – “Strange stories, by strange authors, for strange listeners.”