2014-2015 COYER Challenge

Winter 2014-2015 COYER Sign Ups


I’m so excited to join in for Winter 2014-2015 COYER, hosted by Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @ Because Reading. It runs from December 20th 2014 – March 6th 2015 and you can sign up here until January 25th! Go check out the details, and if you do sign up, be sure to indicate that I sent you on the linky, where it says “Who referred you?” so I can win $5 to Amazon!

My Goals

I have no idea what I will read that far ahead. However, since I’m limited to E-Books and Audiobooks that are FREE or NEARLY FREE, I’m going to first concentrate on my Review books. I also have a ton of FREE Kindle and Nook books I’ve picked up that I’m going to try and read. Here are my goals:

  • Read and review at least 10 books.
  • Visit and comment on at least 1 review from the linky a week.
  • Participate in 3 of the read-a-thons.
  • Participate in at least 1 mini-challenge.
  • Participate in at least 1 social media activity a week in the Facebook group.

This is my first time doing COYER so these are my starting goals.  They may change, so I’ll do updates if necessary.

So, what do you say? Will you join me? Don’t forget to list me when you sign up!