#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for September 15th – 21st.
  • I’ve been a little more active this week thanks to a clothes decluttering and organizing project I couldn’t put off any longer. I’ve lost enough weight that many of the clothes in my closet were a little too big, so I had the Boyfriend pull out the three large plastic tubs of clothes I’ve been keeping in the hopes that I could wear them again someday. I went through everything in the tubs and my closet and put everything too big for me aside for donation. I put everything that fits back in my closet, and the stuff that is still a little too small back into the tubs. I was able to fit everything into two of the tubs, leaving a tub empty for storing something else if need be.
  • The great thing about managing to summon the energy for this project is that I now don’t have to come up with the energy to go shopping. I have more than enough clothes that fit, which also means I’m saving a significant amount of money, especially on clothes for work. That’s a big deal since I’ll be leaving my full-time job within the next six months or so and I won’t need all those business casual clothes anymore.
  • Active Days: 2/5
  • Steps: 40,575
  • Miles: 16.34/15.34
  • Total Miles: 596.88/850
  • Zone Minutes: 73/150

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