#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for August 11th – 17th.
  • I completely forgot about the Summer Charity Challenge again so I’m not bothering to continue with it or try to catch up.
  • I probably forgot about the challenge because I’ve been feeling burnt out. I’ve been sleeping a lot, my food choices haven’t been great, and I haven’t been getting much exercise. I think I might be slipping into another depression. I recently bought a book titled, Feral Self-Care by Mandi Em, and I need to read it sooner rather than later.
  • One good note is that I’ve hit my goal weight despite everything. My next goal is another 10 lbs.
  • Active Days: 1/5
  • Steps: 23,081
  • Miles: 9.36/15.34
  • Total Miles: 514.54/800
  • Zone Minutes: 20/150

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