Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopses of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
My shelf has gone up one to 1154. I finished several books since my last post, but also added several to my wish list.
This week’s books:
Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson – KEEP. I’ve enjoyed other books by Bryson, so I’ll give this one a chance.
Was Superman a Spy? by Brian Cronin – KEEP? The Goodreads synopsis says this is all about the crazy and bizarre stories that have been told over the years about popular comic books, many of which are true. I’m willing to give it the 50-page test.
I Don’t Care About Your Band by Julie Klausner – KEEP. I may have outgrown this book. I’ve owned it for over a decade, and it had been on my wishlist for several years before I got around to buying it. However, I’m still going to give it a chance because it’s a memoir, and even though it speaks to a much “younger” version of me, I will probably be able to relate to it through my past experiences.
Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend- KEEP. Middle-Grade Fantasy is one of my favorite genres to read, and the only reason I haven’t read this one yet is that I was focusing on finishing as many books as I could, and the length of this one (461 pages) meant it always got moved to the bottom of the stack.
Dryland by Sara Jaffe – GO. I got this one through a book box subscription many years ago, and I’m just not interested. I’m sure it’s a wonderful story, but out of all of the books I could read, I know I will never pick this one up and say, “I HAVE to read this!”
My want-to-read shelf and my TBR are back down to 1153 books. The next post will again be all physical books that I own, and most of them look like keepers.