Down the TBR Hole #8

Image: hjl

Down the TBR Hole was started by Lia over at Lost in a Story.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I will be repeating this process every week until I’ve filtered out my entire TBR.  I currently have 576 books on my to-read shelf.  I cleared out a few books towards the end of the list that I was no longer interested in reading.

This week’s ten books:

Seraphina by Rachel Hartman – KEEP.  Why have I not read this book yet?!  A friend of mine gave it to me as a Birthday present a couple years ago, and it’s still sitting on the shelf.  I need to fix that.

The Shelf by Phyllis Rose – KEEP.  I bought this about a year ago, and haven’t managed to get to it yet, despite how much I love reading books about books.

The Library Book by various authors – KEEP.  This is a collection of essays and has been on my wishlist for what feels like forever.  I’ve never found a physical copy of it, and I don’t want to settle for the ebook.

The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell – KEEP.  This is another book that has been on my wishlist for a long time because I haven’t been able to find a physical copy of it.

When Books Went to War by Molly Guptill Manning – KEEP.  A book about books and WWII?  Yes, please!

The Uncanny Valley by Gregory Miller – KEEP.  I’m putting this towards the top of the list of books I want to read in October.

Turn of the Tide by Margaret Skea – KEEP.  If I judged this book solely on the cover, I probably would have gotten rid of it.  However, the story is based on real life events in Scotland during the 16th century, so there’s no way I’m getting rid of it.

Ren of Atikala by David Adams – KEEP.  This one sounds too fun to get rid of and I got it for free.

The Princess of Dhagabad by Anna Kashina – GO.  A story about a Princess who seduces her slave?  No thanks, even if it is supposed to be based on The Arabian Nights.

The Librarian: Little Boy Lost by Alexandra Bracken – KEEP.  I would never get rid of a book about a magical library.
My to-read shelf is down to 575 books.  I’ll start off next week with book #76 and I might do ten books yet again since it looks like I’ll probably be keeping most of them.

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