Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopses of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
My shelf is back up by one book to 1130. I finished several books last week but bought a few and added a couple to my wishlist. While I’ll probably still buy a couple of books here and there through the rest of this year, I will rely more and more on my local public library. That probably won’t mean much for the number of books on my want-to-read shelf, but I will also be shopping my own shelves more and more, which should start decreasing that number.
This week’s books:
The Book of Accidents by Chuck Wendig – KEEP. I recently bought 101 Horror Books to Read Before You’re Murdered by Sadie Hartmann, and this was the first title mentioned.
Love People, Use Things by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus – KEEP. I watched the authors’ documentary on Netflix several years ago, so when this book came out not long after, I bought the ebook hoping it would inspire me even more on my decluttering journey. Now I hope it will help me as I drastically cut my spending in preparation for leaving my job.
How the Marquis Got His Coat Back by Neil Gaiman – KEEP. This is a short story set in the world of Neverwhere, one of my favorite books by Gaiman.
Billy Summers by Stephen King – KEEP. King was the first adult Horror author I read. I was too young to be reading them, but I think I turned out OK… At the very least, his books introduced me to the world of the macabre in a way that Goosebumps couldn’t do, and I don’t think I would’ve tried out and fallen in love with Gothic Fiction without that introduction.
The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen – KEEP. The only reason I have this book is because the synopsis mentions “a young woman who is hounded by books that inexplicably appear when she needs them.”
My want-to-read shelf is staying at 1130 books for now. I knew I wouldn’t be letting go of any books, and I don’t think I’ll get rid of any in the next post either.