Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopses of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
My shelf is down several books to 1105. I finished and started a few books this past week.
This week’s books:
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume 1 by Diana Wynne Jones – KEEP. Diana Wynne Jones is one of my favorite Fantasy authors, and I just love books full of cats.
The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish – KEEP. I remember seeing this on Jenny Lawson’s bookshelves at some point and thought it sounded interesting.
The Gutsy Girl by Caroline Paul – GO. I’m not the intended audience of this book. While that has never stopped me from reading something I want to read, this book is truly written for young girls, and I’m going to let it go so that it hopefully finds its way into the hands of a girl who needs it.
Alice Takes Back Wonderland by David D. Hammons – GO. I have a gut feeling I won’t enjoy this book. Maybe someone else will.
The House on the Strand by Daphne du Maurier – KEEP. This one sounds bizarre and I’m not sure I will enjoy it, but I’m willing to give it a chance.
My want-to-read shelf is down a couple more books to 1103. The next post will have yet more of the physical books I own.