24in48 Update #3

Challenge from Rachel at A Home Between the Pages:

“One of my favorites is a game wherein you create a sentence out of book titles on your shelves. You must use at least three books, and the sentence should make relative grammatical sense.”

Here’s mine: Thus spake Zarathustra, straight from the gut, “I WILL FEAR NO EVIL!”

2014-04-05 19.02.40I haven’t gotten nearly as much reading done as I would’ve liked to so far.  I had to take a break from Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier due to a very emotionally charged moment, so I started A Passion For Books, edited by Harold Rabinowitz and Rob Kaplan.  I LOVE the book, and I already have a couple of favorite quotes from it, but I didn’t get very far before I decided to take a break and go for a walk with my boyfriend.  During my reading, I had a snack of Walkers shortbread cookies and some trail mix along with tea.

Total Hours: 6 and 15 mins.

Total pages: 164

24in48 Update #2

I’ve read for 3 more hours since my first update, after getting a good night’s sleep and having a long lazy breakfast with my boyfriend.  I’m now on pg. 190 of Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier.  I’m really enjoying it, and I can see why so many people on the Vaginal Fantasy discussion boards for the book have said this is one of their favorite books.

For snacks, I’ve had some cheddar cheese, a few apple slices, and more Fig Newmans.  I’m planning on eating some lunch now, once I’ve posted this and gotten back to reading.  I’m going to have veggie burger sliders and some popchips.  My boyfriend has been reading along with me, and since he doesn’t like to listen to music when he reads, I haven’t been listening to anything.

Total hours read: 4

Total pages read: 110

24in48 Update #1

I’ve read for one hour, and it’s time for me to go to bed.  So, only 27 pages read so far, putting me at pg.108 of Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier.  I had Fig Newmans and a glass of chocolate flavored almond milk as a midnight snack, and I’ve been listening to a playlist of Scottish music – mostly Shooglenifty, Kathleen Macinnes, and Alasdair Fraser.


24in48 Kickoff

The kickoff to the #24in48 read-a-thon was about 30 mins. ago, but since I’m in TX, I won’t be starting until it’s midnight here at home.  However, here are the kickoff questions, along with my answers, from A Home Between the Pages:

From what part of the world are you reading today?
-Austin, TX
What book are you most looking forward to?
-Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
What’s your plan for the weekend, if you have one?
-I will start reading at midnight here in TX and not stop till my boyfriend gets grumpy that I’m not in bed. I’ll start reading again as soon as I get up, and only stop for a walking break until I either hit the 24 hour goal or pass out.
Are you going to be tracking anything specific this weekend besides time?
-I’ll track pages read.
Where are you going to be updating this weekend?
-I’ll be commenting on Rachel’s update posts at A Home Between the Pages and posting updates here.

24in48 Read-a-Thon

I will be participating in the #24in48 Read-a-thon.  I’ve got all my reading noms, tea, and books ready!  I’ll be finishing Vaginal Fantasy’s main pick for this month – Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier, and then I’ll work on finishing Inkspell by Cornelia Funke.  I’ve got A Passion For Books, edited by Harold Rabinowitz and Rob Kaplan, as an alternative just in case I get bored or irritated with either of the other books.  Of course, I’ve got a whole TBR bookshelf to choose from if, for whatever reason, I get unusually moody about my reading, but I’m enjoying the books I’ve mentioned so far, so I don’t see that happening.

Daughter of the Forest  Inkspell  A Passion For Books

I will be commenting on my progress both here and on Rachel’s update posts at A Home Between the Pages.