What I’m Reading Monday #5

Currently Reading: Of Bone and Thunder by Chris Evans, one of my books for review;  Bliss by Kathryn Littlewood, chosen for reading on my phone when I’m out and about and have to wait on something; Villette by Charlotte Bronte, my pick for The Classics Club’s month of the Romantics, and The Hobbit and Philosophy.




Hobbit Philosophy

Finished: Justice in a Dead Land by Emma J.R. Hawk.  This was also for review, and I will be posting the review a few days before it’s published (Oct. 13th).  Until then, all I’ll say is that I’m really excited about it!


Total pages read for the week: 208

Total number of books for the year: 43.  My reading is picking back up again, mostly because I found myself with 4 books to read and review by mid-October.  I’ve decided to put aside Villette until I finish the review books.  Some time this week, I’ll be adding a section of books that I’ll be reviewing in the future to my Reviews page, along with the date I’m planning on posting the review.  Once it’s reviewed, I’ll move it to the section of reviewed books and link it to the review, as I’ve done in the past.

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