That was my reaction to seeing my blog’s followers pass the 100 mark. Just for the record, I don’t include Twitter or Facebook followers in that number, because I assume there is some overlap. So, discovering this morning that I have a minimum of 105 readers was a bit of a shock.
Those of you who have been reading since the beginning know that I haven’t been blogging for very long. It’s been less than a year (7 months to the day to be exact), and for most of that time I was only participating in read-a-thons. I didn’t post my first review until the end of August, and I didn’t start any features (What I’m Reading Monday, Thursday’s Quotables, and most recently Tuesday’s Tunes and Things) until September.
I know 100 is a small number, relatively speaking. Still, thank you! Without you I wouldn’t have written any reviews. I wouldn’t have discovered the awesomeness of Netgalley. I wouldn’t have made all the connections with authors and other book bloggers that I’ve been making lately. Most importantly, I wouldn’t have returned to my dream of being a writer.
I can only hope that I reach the 500 mark as quickly 🙂