Down the TBR Hole was started by Lia over at Lost in a Story. All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
How it works:
- Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
I will be repeating this process until I’ve filtered out my entire TBR. My TBR pile is back up to 726 books. Though I read quite a bit last week during the #readathon, I added more than 10 books to my wish list thanks to a combination of TBR posts and loving what I was reading so much that I want to read everything else by that author (I’m looking at you Jim C. Hines).
This week’s five books:
Hiking Alone by Mary Beath – KEEP. I found this book in the gift shop of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM while on a road trip back in 2011. I vaguely remember that I started reading it while I continued on my way through New Mexico, but I got distracted by other books while in Utah. I will be picking this up again, hopefully soon.
Before Green Gables by Budge Wilson – KEEP. Normally, I would pass on a story about a favorite character from another author, but this one was authorized by L.M. Montgomery’s heirs for the 100th anniversary of Anne of Green Gables. I’ll wait to read it after I’ve finished re-reading the rest of the original series, but I will give this one a chance.
This Book is Overdue! by Marilyn Johnson – KEEP. Y’all know by now how much I love books about books, libraries, librarians, etc. So obviously this one is not leaving my shelf.
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein – KEEP. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve either read or been told that I need to read this book. After reading the synopsis, I’m a bit concerned that it will trigger all sorts of bad memories, but I’m hoping it will be healing in the way that Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and Primary Inversion by Catherine Asaro were for me.
The Salinger Contract by Adam Langer – KEEP. I briefly picked this one up and read a few pages while I was in the process of going through everything I owned and deciding whether or not I wanted to keep it. I chose to keep this one, and I still stand by that decision, but I want to read something by J.D. Salinger before picking it back up. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments.
My to-read shelf remains at 726 books. See you next Saturday when I start with book #156.