24in48 Update #2

I’ve read for 3 more hours since my first update, after getting a good night’s sleep and having a long lazy breakfast with my boyfriend.  I’m now on pg. 190 of Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier.  I’m really enjoying it, and I can see why so many people on the Vaginal Fantasy discussion boards for the book have said this is one of their favorite books.

For snacks, I’ve had some cheddar cheese, a few apple slices, and more Fig Newmans.  I’m planning on eating some lunch now, once I’ve posted this and gotten back to reading.  I’m going to have veggie burger sliders and some popchips.  My boyfriend has been reading along with me, and since he doesn’t like to listen to music when he reads, I haven’t been listening to anything.

Total hours read: 4

Total pages read: 110

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